The art here was printed and published at Pele Prints. All of the prints are for sale. Please contact us for pricing and current availability.

. New Village (sold)

. Alicia LaChance
Alicia LaChance's recent work incorporates the nature of symbols as a universal language, throughout time, space, and culture. New Village is the first print in a series of three mandalas created at Pele Prints to explore this visual vocabulary. The image was first created as a painting and 27' terrazzo floor public art installation at St. Louis International Airport. In the print, a total of 95 individual plates were each inked separately and arranged as an interlocking puzzle to create the basis for the finished piece.
Born in St. Louis, MO, Alicia LaChance became a painter focused on botanical designs done with fresco and oil. Her clients include Starbucks and Target. She attended Fontbonne University where she had a full scholalship and studied literature. Later in Washington where she took classes at Seattle Central, and then in New York as a student at the Fashion Institute of Design, LaChance studied design for apparel. She also spent two years in Europe living in Paris, Holland, and Austria. From that time she has worked as a commercial artist and a fine-art painter.