The art here was printed and published at Pele Prints. All of the prints are for sale. Please contact us for pricing and current availability.

. 2013 26"h x 20"w Collagraph, relief

. 2013 42.5"h x 36"w Collagraph, relief

. 2013 42.5"h x 36"w Collagraph, relief

. 2013 26"h x 20"w Collagraph, relief

. remembering 7 (sold)

. Sarah Hinckley
"Sarah Hinckley grew up down the street from the Bay of Cape Cod, and her work springs from early impressions of sand meeting ocean meeting sky. Unlike the realistic landscapes that fill local galleries, Hinckley’s abstract works evoke the place without directly referencing it; their forms and color palette suggest, but never describe. For this reason, they feel closer in spirit to the nature poetry of Cape Cod writers like Mary Oliver. You might even call them visual poems."
– Laura C. Mallonee, Arts Writer and Editor
Sarah grew up on Cape Cod surrounded by color fields of water, marsh, beach and sky. She received a BFA from Tufts University and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and a MFA from Columbia University in New York both with a concentration in painting. Her paintings are in numerous corporate and private collections.