The art here was printed and published at Pele Prints. All of the prints are for sale. Please contact us for pricing and current availability.
. 2022 42"h x 210"w overall Relief
. 2023 37"h x 57"w Relief
. 2023 30"h x 30"w Relief
. 2017 57"h x 37"w Relief
. 2018 18"h x 18"w Relief
. 2015 30"h x 30"w Relief
. 2023 37"h x 57"w Relief
. 2023 37"h x 57"w Relief
. 2023 30"h x 30"w Relief
. 2023 30"h x 30"w Relief
. 2023 30"h x 30"w Relief
. 2023 30"h x 30"w Relief
"Berman described her musical approach to composition during a studio visit with The Print Perspective: 'I think about music a lot when I work,' she said. 'I’m not a musician, but I think about what kind of music I like and how it’s composed. How there’s variations on a theme, and there’s rhythm and balance, different instruments that come in or go out. I just think about those relationships and tone as a parallel to how I print and sort of my own creative process.' Resolutely, some of the richest movements in the Umbra series arise when the print has received multiple passes on the press and the various layers interact. Here, when the layers of semi-transparent inks overlap, new phantom colors seem to emerge."
– Amelia Ishmael, independent writer, curator, and artist
Laura Berman creates hand-made structures based on sequence, multiple and interactive images through her work, which is often non-traditionally displayed and orchestrated. The fluidity of working with a variety of tangible printmaking mediums enables this work to live various lives. Laura has created site-specific exhibitions and exhibited her print work at numerous galleries and museums around the country and internationally. In addition, she has been a visiting artist and has worked as an artist-in-residence at a number of institutions throughout the USA and also in Spain. She is currently an Assiociate Professor of Printmaking at the Kansas City Art Institute. She received her BFA from the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University and her MFA from Tulane University.